Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hiking with our Daddies

Overall Memorial Day weekend, Josie and I got to go hiking with our Daddies. Josie got to see Glen Helen in style - from the backpack we borrowed from the Roundtrees. (Fortunately for my Daddy, I didn't make him carry me on his back.) It was an absolutley gorgeous day in Yellow Springs!
Josie's Granddaddy picked these flowers for her that she carried around until she fell asleep and dropped them on the ground. At one point, we joked that she was playing "he loves me, he loves me not" as she picked off the petals one by one.
Here are three of my favorite people in the world in one of my favorite spots in the world. It was so surreal for me to have my daughter on the same trails I used to run around as a teenager. The next step will be taking Josie to her first Yellow Springs "Street Fair."
And here's the family photo in front of the actual "yellow spring" itself.
Perfect hike. Perfect day. More perfect memories. :)

1 comment:

FourAustins said...

That really almost made me cry - the one where dad is handing her flowers...too precious...the hormones can't take that kind of blow mid afternoon:):):)