Friday, May 16, 2008

Josie Learns To Wave!!

Oh my goodness - Josie has learned to wave! This morning I was working on the computer & Carissa brought Josie out after her nap. I said "Hi Josie" and waved to her, and this is what happened next! (Excuse the poor video quality, but I had to act quickly before the moment passed.)

And - much to my surprise - this wasn't a total fluke because we've exchanged several waves back & forth since this happened this morning. Wow!


FourAustins said...

OH MY - that is crazy!!! I can not wait to get a week from today:):) I am a little shocked right now....WOW - Josie is really waving!!!

FourAustins said...

Just me again - had to see this a few more times:)