Now, to get you all caught up on the happenings since my last post on Friday. Well, let's see. There was a blizzard - at least what the weather man called a blizzard. I guess we ended up getting about 10 inches in less than 24 hours here in the city, but it was literally plowed and hauled away faster than it fell. This meant that we went to sleep with 10 inches of snow and woke up with zero. Even the sidewalks were clear. It was all very strange. Regardless, the rest of the greater Cincinnati area was shut down, so we had a good excuse to "hunker down" indoors.
So, to celebrate the Blizzard of -'08 we spent a lot of time dancing around the house. And we discovered that Josie actually "dances" with us. Lou's been dancing with her since we first brought her home from the hospital, so it's truly no surprise that she joins in on the fun now. Highlights from this weekend's dance party included "Possum" by Phish & "Mama Rock Me" by the Old Crow Medicine Show. It's hysterical because she totally kicks her feet, flaps her arms, and squeals along with the music. Lou & I crack up! We'll have to get a video of the dancing soon. Another highlight from the weekend was introducing Josie to the joy of blowing bubbles. She was totally confused since they popped before she could grab them (although Venus was even more confused). We also celebrated the Blizzard with some good home cookin - Indian on Saturday and Turkey Tacos (a la the Austins) on Sunday - and of course delicious pureed spinach and peas for Josie. Here's a photo of her covered in the green goo, totally looking like she just got slimed.
And I'll leave you all with that. :)
Oh I remember those days! Just wait till she's walking and trying to climb out of the big tub.
Carri, Her celebrating her B-day in the jumparoo is so adorable. Her little face just shines, and the big blue eyes and that smile. PERFECT. laurie
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