Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hanging out around the house

Now that we have Super-nanny Carissa and I have clearly distinct work days that are different from my clearly distinct play days, we're able to enjoy more relaxed time together because I don't have to run for the computer every time Josie is occupied. That means that quality time is even more widespread than it used to be. And that is fantastic.

Here's a photo of Josie and I enjoying the new Fairy Tales book that her Granddaddy got her for Valentine's Day. This was her first time hearing "Goldilocks & the Three Bears." She was particularly fond of the baby bear's voice.
And Josie was quite into her story until she realized her daddy was taking pictures - at which point she switched from "story mode" to "posing for the camera mode."
And here's Josie with her absolutely favorite new "chew toy" - Sophie the Giraffe. Seriously, I kept putting off ordering this thing because I didn't want to pay for shipping. But, if I would've known the joy this little squeaker would bring, I would've ordered it months ago!
She's got a little tooth bud popping through on the bottom, and Sophie is really helping her out with that. Plus, it's just so freaking cute!

In other Josie-related news, thanks at least in part to "The No-Cry Sleep Solution," she has been sleeping much longer stretches at night and during the day. The past three nights she's had a 7 hour stretch followed by a 4 or 5 hour stretch. And she even took her first ever 2 hour nap over the weekend. So, our little mama continues to grow and grown. With that, it's time to put her in her jumper while Mama & Daddy enjoy a delicious 4-star lunch of pb&j and goldfish. Hope you're all doing well.

Oh- regarding the photo contest - they'll send an update to us on Friday showing where Josie ranks. If she's securely in the top 100, then there's no need to vote anymore until the next round. We'll let you know. Thanks to everyone who has voted. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the photo of you both reading the book.