Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Sorry; It's been a while.

I apologize to all of you daily readers. It must be so disappointing to faithfully click on our site every day, hopes held high for another photo of our little cutie, only to be greeted by the same entry as the day before. Anyway, we're back. It's been a bit hectic since the last post - mainly because of Josie going on another Sleep Strike - but we think (at least hope) that everything is getting back to normal.
So, let's get you all caught up on the events since our last post. On Friday we took Josie to our favorite Mexican restaurant (Jalapenos in Kenwood). Ya know, sooner or later you just have to decide that your life can go pretty back to normal even with a little one. It just takes a some more preparation and of course the willingness to be "those people" out on a Friday night with a stroller. So, here we are headed out for some comida deliciosa complete with Josie in her amo a mama bib (how appropriate). Dinner was great as expected. The staff was very accommodating and gave us a corner table so we could just wheel Josie up right next to us in her stroller. I even had the coldest most delicious beer I've had in over a year. So we were off to a good start for the weekend. Saturday was wonderful. We met one of our favorite families - the Haddens - for waffles on Saturday morning & then stopped by the library on our walk home. We figure Josie might as well get used to "the stacks" early on. Besides the fact that a very creepy man was circling me like a vulture while I was nursing (apparently he thought breastfeeding was a spectator sport), we realized the library is another good spot downtown to hang out, read the paper, etc.
Here's another photo from the library. I think it's funny because of the way Josie is sitting. She totally has her hand "all sassy" on her hip - already looking like a teenager. You'll also notice that this is the third photo of Josie wearing a bib. We don't leave home without them. She is a total drool monster & it's much easier to go through 4-5 bibs a day than 4-5 shirts.
Now, on to more funny stuff. This is Josie with one of her new toys from Christmas (thanks Roundtrees). She loves this little duck. Last night she was sucking on it so hard that you could hear her across the room. Actually, she alternated between "nursing" it & biting the heck out of it. It was too funny! I seriously wish I would've had time to grab the video camera, because she was really going to town on it. This photo shows you the intensity.

So life continues with little Miss Josephine - never a dull moment. As I mentioned above, she's been having some sleeping trouble. Louie gave her tylenol last night (she was doing her "pain cry") and she actually slept for 6 hours without waking up once! Tonight we tried some homeopathic teething tablets & so far so good. I've totally given up on forcing naps. Every thing I've read (which is a ton) tells me what babies "should" be doing as far as napping, but our little mama must not be cut from the same cloth as all the other babies in the universe. She's a total power napper & is revived and ready to party after only 30-45 minutes. I guess that's better than nothing.

In other news, I just signed my contract with KnowledgeWorks today & will be back as an independent contractor doing education policy/advocacy research starting Monday. My plan is to work "full days" on Monday & Wednesday and "half days" on Friday (for a total of about 20 hours). This means that Lou & I can no longer delay the "daycare decision." So much to figure out - maybe tomorrow. Ugh.

Alright, Josie is snuggly sleeping in her crib (after drifting off to her "Rockabye Baby" Beatles CD from her grand-daddy). Lou is playing Wii, and I *finally* got caught up on the blog. Hope you're all doing well. And thanks for being patient. :)

1 comment:

Aunt Manda said...

YAY for Josie updates...could not have come at a better time! Yesterday I broke out in hives at work...stress induced...I kept checking for updates all day:) So today I am starting my day off right - looking at Miss Josie at the library and lovin' the sassy pose ;) XOXOXOXO!!