Thursday, November 15, 2007

That silly girl

If it hasn't already been made clear to you from the fact that this blog even exists, I'm a bit obsessed with taking photos of Josie. But, there's good reason for that. She's hysterical. Take this first photo for example. I like to call this her "Legwarmers are #1" pose! Seriously, can you believe she did this? On the topic of her legwarmers - equal parts Rainbow Brite & Punky Brewster - I now know that one of the laws of the universe is that I get to dress her in whatever I want for the first few years, but then I can't complain when she seeks revenge as a teenager.

My other favorite photo of the week is this one. Here's Josie with her new little giraffe cuddly blanket.

Besides the fact that she was absolutely cracking me up trying to fit the whole thing in her mouth, the guilty look on her face as she hugged and cuddled it was made the whole thing hysterical to me. It was like she was afraid I was going to be jealous that she could possibly be enjoying something else besides me.

And finally - here's another video of our girl. As I said, my goal is to get that giggle on film. By the time Lou got the camera rolling, she wasn't really laughing anymore, but it's still pretty cute so I decided to post it. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Carri she is so beautiful Thanks so much for sharing this blog,i so look forward to it each week. i remember Punky Brewster. LOL Laurie

Grandma Peggy said...

She is so pecious! I can't believe how much she has grown. I can't wait to see her again. Oh, and you and Lou, too!!

Aunt Manda said...

5 more days:):):)

Aunt Manda said...

Laughing out loud in my office - LOVE LOVE LOVE it - ordering the "legwarmers are #1" RIGHT NOW:)

Aunt Manda said...

Can you add the legwarmer pic to the Shutterfly collection so I can order it:)