Friday, November 30, 2007

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin....

That's right - Josie has officially added "Rolling" to her list of credentials. We were having "tummy time" like any other day, when Josie pushed up on her arms with much more authority than she ever has before. She got this very proud "check me out" look on her face (see photo above) and then started to wobble. That's when I switched the camera over from still photos to video and managed to capture her very first flip from belly to back on film. (You'll hear the obvious excitement in my voice.) So, here it is! ENJOY!

In other Josie news: we have decided to stop swaddling her at night. Actually, this was more of Josie's decision than ours. For one, she got too big for her swaddling blankets, and she also spent so much energy trying to "Houdini" herself out of the swaddle that she would wake herself up at night. So, I must say the last couple of bedtimes nights have not gone as smoothly as we're used to. Typically I would just feed her, bundle her up & put her down for the night. Getting her to sleep now is a bit more of a battle, but we're getting there. Wish us luck! :)


Aunt Manda said...

Another milestone - and you caught it on tape:):):) Look at her go!

Anonymous said...

Look at that beautiful girl! Nice job catching the first rollover on film! Joe wouldn't be swaddled for long ... he's more of a taco than a burrito anyway.

And no, I have no idea what that means either.

Thanks for turning us on to the blog. Now I can stop giving you a hard time for not returning calls ... yeah, no ... not so much.

Would you guys be into us crashing your place with some Dewey's one of these evenings? We could even bring those Low Rent friend of ours: K @ K!

Besos y abrazos,

Anonymous said...

Love it, Great job mom for catching it on tape
