Monday, November 5, 2007

A day in the life of our laundry

If you're already a mom, you completely understand the sheer volume of laundry that a baby makes in a day. But, the truth is...I really didn't get it until we had a little laundry maker of our own. Just for fun, I decided to keep track for a day. Here are the results:

Outfit #1 - pee - had to be changed
Outfit #2 - poo - had to be changed
* Poopy blanket also had to be washed
Outfit #3 - spit up - had to be changed
* Also required a change of my clothes
Outfit #4 - put a new outfit on her only to realize it was way too big, so had to take it off and start over
Outfit #5 - lasted until bedtime
Outfit #6 - pajamas
* Plus one swaddling blanket, three burp clothes & three washcloths

Goodness gracious! I guess it's a good thing that she has two full drawers of clothes! :)


marleycaroline said...

The volume of washcloths/cloth diapers still shocks me. Potty training is just as much fun in the laundry department.

Aunt Manda said...

2 weeks from tomorrow!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can never get enough of those pictures. I think she changes daily or maybe hourly. I knew she would smile when you mentioned a new president. Grandma

Grandma (johnson) said...

I am no longer anonymous, I have a name now. I know that will make Josie smile even more, so be sure to tell her.