Sunday, September 9, 2007

4 weeks and growing quickly...

Little Josephine is already growing up so fast. This week she wowed us with her impressive abilities to hold up her head, smile at herself in the mirror, and grasp a pacifier to keep it in her mouth. Amazing! We're trying to resist the urge to contact the gifted pre-school just yet. ;)

If the photos above don't satisfy your Josie craving, check out the link to her Shutterfly album for her Week 4 photos.


Uncle Bruce and Aunt Sue said...

You can just tell that this darling little girl is taking everything in and learning leaps and bounds every day!!!!!! How she has grown! LOVE, love the blog! Thank you,


Uncle Bruce and Aunt Sue said...

You can just tell that this darling little girl is taking everything in and learning leaps and bounds every day!!!!!! How she has grown! LOVE, love the blog! Thank you,


Aunt Manda said...

We are going to have to start calling Josie by her adult name sooner than later. Josephine may be more fitting:)