Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sleep when the baby sleeps???

So the mantra I've been hearing from everyone from my friends/family to the lactation consultants and Josie's pediatrician is "sleep when the baby sleeps." Sounds easy enough, right? But what if the baby doesn't sleep?? Then what??

Starting at about 9pm Sunday night, Josie decided she wanted to party like a rockstar for 24 hours rather than sleep. While babies her age are "supposed to" sleep at least 16 hours a day, Josie only slept about 8-9 hours on Monday. YIKES! I tried to get her to sleep ALL day yesterday. As soon as she would get into her deep, eyes rolled back in her head, loose-limbed state (that we lovingly call "Josie Jelly"), I would lay her down & she would instantly wake up all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. We never did figure out what the heck was going on - other than the possibility that she was having (another) growth spurt (characterized by her eating every hour on the hour). But, luckily it all ended at about 9pm last night when she finally went down and stayed down.

That's right...I GOT 8 HOURS OF SLEEP LAST NIGHT! :)
She slept 9:30-12:30, 1:30-4:30, 5-7, & 8-10 and I was able to sleep for 8 of those. Hooray!!

Sure, it came in 2 hour increments, but it's still 8 hours & I feel better than I have in days!

Josie is also doing much better today. She seems less stressed & more comfortable in her own skin. Yesterday she just seemed uncomfortable. I think it's going to be a good day.

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