Friday, August 24, 2007

Almost two weeks...

Today marks the two week "anniversary" of going into labor. This time two weeks ago, I had just started to have regular surges (contractions) again & decided to keep them to myself until I was sure it was in fact "the real thing". Manda was in Xenia with the rest of the family - everyone waiting to find out if Josie would bless us with her presence before Manda & Michael had to go back to Chicago on Sunday. Thank goodness she did!

I still need to sit down & write our full "birth story" (which I plan to do this weekend). I'll be sure to post it here when I do. I also have some great labor photos that my sister took at the hospital that I'll post as a link for those of you who want to take a trip to LaborLand. While I'm listing other things that are "coming soon," I've almost got the slide show together that shows all the photos Lou took of my growing belly every couple of weeks during the pregnancy. It's just hysterical (and miraculous) to see how big it was! I also have more photos from this week that I will post on Sunday to the online album and my thoughts on how this week went (Lou went back to work & my mom was here to save the day). So, lots of things to sure to check back soon.

Here's a picture to hold everyone over until I post more this weekend. Josie is already "daddy's little girl." :)

1 comment:

Aunt Manda said...

Ahhhh....Louie the daddy..I love it:)