Well, it's Thanksgiving Eve and tomorrow we are up bright and early to head to Marion, Indiana for the annual Johnson-side-of-the-family-feast. Among other things, tomorrow will be the very first time that Josephine meets her new baby cousin
Lyla so I know there will be a lot of photos to come out of that occasion. It made sense to empty my camera before hand. Here are some random photos from the past few days. :)
If you haven't been around Josie lately, she is "all girl" now. It's funny because I was talking to fellow
hypnomama Angela at our playgroup this week and she was telling me about how Andrew is suddenly "all boy" and into trucks, trains, balls, etc. I swear, before having Baby J I was definitely more on the "nurture" than "nature" side of the argument and totally believed all that girl/boy stuff was due more to society than biology (ha - chalk this up as just one more thing I've been wrong about). Anyway, Josie still loves her wooden train and does point to every truck excitedly on the street downtown but we can now add "playing dress-up" to the girl column, right under her obsession with shoes and all things sparkly.
I snapped this photo from the desk in my makeshift "office" in the corner of my living room where I work as Josie & Carissa play everyday (hey, it works for us). They were playing dress-up and this was the result. Carissa dubbed her "Ninja Ballerina Fairy" although I could just as easily call this photo either "The Reason I Work from Home" or "The Reason We Love Carissa"!

Here's Josie another day in her fairy wings and pajamas. When grown-ups talk about the carefree and capricious nature of children, I think this is exactly what they mean. How much better would our days go if we woke up every morning and snapped on fairy wings while we drank our morning coffee?

rainbow legwarmers make an appearance again this season...

I thought I'd share another of Josie's latest obsessions with you all as well - bread! She can't get enough of it. I'm not sure how this even started actually. All I know is that she now walks over to the pantry, opens the door, grabs the loaf of bread, and throws it at our feet. We hand her a piece, she smiles ear-to-ear, and then she eats the whole darn thing - crust and all - saying "yum" "yum" the whole way through.

Okay - stay tuned for more pictures later this weekend of what promises to be a very special holiday! :)