Monday, December 14, 2009

"Mr. Stinky" and More

Here are some random photos from the past couple of weeks around the house.  Enjoy!
These first two could be called either "Why I Work From Home" or "The Millionth Reason We Love Carissa."

 If I remember correctly, I think the box was an airplane going to Chicago which later turned into a boat or a car...

Here is Josie modeling my Uggs which actually come all the way up her diaper. Believe or not, she walks around in these things.

Here is Josie's snowman from Art Class. I was really proud of her because she was very creative about how she used the objects to make the snowman.  She wanted "double eyes" and used the q-tip for a nose and arms. She also made pepper buttons and then sprinkled them pepper balls as "raisins" on the plate so the snowman wouldn't get hungry.  He has sense been dubbed "Mr. Stinky" because he's made of glue, flour, and cotton which apparently turns rancid after several days - but we still love him.

Josie really wants her own camera & we can't wait to see what kind of pictures show up on it when she finally gets one.  Here she is practicing with a block, running around going "Cheeese!" and snapping photos of objects around the house.

Have I mentioned lately just how much we love this little girl? She's so amazingly wonderful that sometimes it is truly too much to comprehend! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sweet, and Mr. Stinky is darling. She is one creative little girl. Laurie