Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A B C D E F G H 9 10

I just had to share this quickly - Josie likes to say the ABCs and count herself to sleep. For the second night in a row and then just now as I put her down for her nap, this is what she's been repeating to herself - A B C D E F G H 9 10. My guess is that when she gets to "H" she hears "8" and of course 9 & 10 come after 8. How funny is that? Too cute.

And.... JOSEPHINE IS NOW 18 MONTHS OLD! Holy cow, she's half way to TWO!


Nick and Kelly Robbe said...

Too cute!!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW, she is amazing little girl. You have one smart little cookie on your hands. I bet that sounds really sweet listening to. Laurie