Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Continued

I had to share a couple of these photos that my sister took at Christmas, then I promise I'll start acting like it's actually January and not December anymore (call it food ole' fashioned denial).
First of all, here is Lyla Anne looking absolutely adorable - I'm sure Manda will get some more photos up on the Three Austins blog soon (hint, hint). Here are Josie and I playing - actually I think we were dancing, which usually has an element of flying just to keep things interesting.
And this was a big moment - Josephine and I having our very first tea party with the adorable cloth tea set from Grandma & Granddaddy. Since this one, we've had several more at home. It absolutely cracks me up that Josie blows on the tea to cool it down before drinking it. Yesterday she even invited her doll and monkey to the party, and even gave them dessert first. She has a very vivid imagination already!
And here is one of Josephine on her awesome new baby grand from Tia & Tio Austin. When she's not trying to stand on the stool, she's actually pretty good on the piano. Obviously she's hasn't composed any masterpieces just yet, but she's very deliberate when playing.
Alright, now on to 2009. I'll get some more photos and videos from the final days of our winter vacation posted soon (or even sooner if Josie stays asleep for awhile).

1 comment:

Uncle Bruce and Aunt Sue said...

Well, obviously Christmas was great fun so keep the pictures coming!!! Uncle Bruce would agree with Josie, life is dessert first!!!!!!! Words to live by I'm sure!