Monday, December 8, 2008

First Snow 08

This weekend brought our first official "snow days" of 08. We unfortunately had to reschedule plans with the Hadden family due to a surprise snow (at least it was a surprise to us). So, we decided to stick around the condo and play all weekend. On Saturday, we spent the better part of the day in our pjs. We decorated the house for Christmas and drew a big holiday mural. Josie spent a lot of time "decorating" it with her now-trademark dots of every color. (She also wore her fairy wings for the special occasion.) On Saturday evening, we walked over the Square to watch Santa and his reindeer rappel down the side of a building and launch a pretty spectacular fireworks display. Here's Josie enjoying her second set of winter fireworks.
And our friends Ang & Pat- their son Andrew (aka "Andoo" to Josie) and Ang's little sister Lilly...
And our friends Ciara, Gareth & Aoife (aka "Fafa" according to Josie)...It has been ages since we had friends over past dark, so it was great to have them.

On Sunday, the big event was Josie's winter pictures. Yes, we majorly procrastinated! These are actually her one year/winter/Christmas photos, so I'm hoping they turned out well. We decided just to do the "photoshoot" here at the house where Josie is comfortable just being herself. Before the photos, we decided to get her all wound-up playing. Here's the evidence of a good, solid 30 minutes of three giggling Schneiders...
(One little monkey jumping on the bed...)
Don't you just love the pigtails flying through the air?
Last but not least - moms, click here for a chance to win an Ergo Baby carrier. Hooray!


FourAustins said...

Okay...these are priceless!! You must order actual prints of these!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures. Can't wait for the 20th. Laurie