Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Bonus Footage

Yep, I know I said that last one would be it until after Christmas, but I captured this gem yesterday that I just had to share just in case you were all wondering what happens to your Christmas cards when they arrive at our house...and in case you want to see the Cat Police in action (gotta love this classic toddler behavior - that's right, our sweet little Josie now says "No" to every other word by about 10 to 1). Enjoy! [Sidebar: Laurie - that's the photo of you and the kids that she obsesses over at the end of the video.]

In other holiday news - we officially feel like parents after staying up past midnight last night wrapping and assembling presents. We have the sneaking suspicion that Josie is going to have plenty under the tree in Xenia between Santa, Grandma & Granddaddy, and the Three Austins - so we thought we'd do "mock Christmas" here tomorrow morning and now we're all set. Here is Louie assembling Josie's new easel so we don't have to keep taping paper to the floor. This picture is of her easel as it sits in the common room of the building so our little explorer won't discovery it before the big day. Just in case anyone stumbles upon it between now & then, we wanted to make sure people knew it was spoken for. ;)


Anonymous said...

You better be getting that bigger place soon for all those Christmas gifts...Love grandma

Anonymous said...

I love the video she is really into the cards. I am sure this Christmas will be alot of fun with Josie. I can't wait to see photos and videos. Laurie