Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A day at the museum

When the temps dip below 50 degrees, options like the zoo and the park quickly slip off the list of possibilities for playtime. So, today I took Josie on her first trip to Cincy's Children's Museum which is less than 2 miles from our condo. We met our friends Krista & Milo and we all had a blast! We headed there for the new interactive Clifford exhibit, but never made it because we had too much fun in the regular Children's Museum. Thankfully we went ahead and bought a family pass & will definitely be making this a regular (if not weekly) part of our rotation.
First things first, here is a video from when we first arrived. We were hanging out in the "ball room" and Josie just kept looking around and saying "Wow!" She was very impressed!

Here are some other highlights from the day...
Driving the tractor:
Hanging out on the farm:
Playing in the sand: Climbing the stairs (again and again and again):
Playing "store":
Pushing a doll around:Picking out the best produce:
Taking a stalk of asparagus for a ride:

And I'll leave you with the best part of our first day at the Museum - the grocery store! It's just so amazing that these little ones are such little "sponges," soaking up the world around them. Josie and Milo did this on their own. We didn't show them what to do. I guess Josie's had enough trips to Whole Foods to know what she's doing. Seriously, How cute are these two together?


Anonymous said...

OH My Gosh is that ever so cute. What a hoot, I loved this. When Kenny was little we went there alot, it was great. Laurie

marleycaroline said...

For the record, the Museum Center gives 2 for 1 deals at Christmas time for passes.

FourAustins said...

My oh my!!! seriously she is too much! Wow - WoW - WOW!!!

Unknown said...

That pictures and videos are just too cute. I especially like the paparazzi flashes that are following the kids around in the last video! They look like two miniature stars caught at the grocery store.