Sunday, September 28, 2008

Some family time

This past week was stressful - to say the least - so it was nice just to have the weekend to hang out together and take a couple of deep breaths. Louie, Josie & I hung out together all weekend - starting with our regular trip to Findlay Market on Saturday morning. After lunchtime and naptime, we headed out to the Kenwood Mall to put a dent in Josie's fall wardrobe needs. (Oddly enough, you would never know that our country was allegedly poised on brink of economic failure because the mall was packed!) Here's a shot of Josie in her stroller, which I'm including because she looks like such a girl (and not a baby) in the picture. It's also funny because she had her mouth packed with cheddar-bunny crackers like a little squirrel.On Sunday after our weekly grocery store trip (and learning that you shave about an hour off the trip by hitting Whole Foods by 10am), we came home for family naptime (because forget about the Bengals) and then headed to the park at Sawyer Point this afternoon. The park has always been fun, but now that Josie is walking around, it's even better. Here she is toddling...
On to the big metal tubeslide (that she used as a giant drum in a photo a couple of weeks ago). Today, she got very curious & wanted to go down it (head first of course), and since Daddy was waiting at the bottom, we let her go for it.
But, leave it to Josie to have fun with good ole' fashioned nature. Slides and swings are great, but dancing with and chasing your shadow is the best!
Seriously, how cute is that!?
And, I'll leave you with a photo of Josie picking the grass. This is the same field where I took the picture of Josie and Louie exploring the grass at the Earth Day celebration back in April. She's grown up so much since then. :)


Anonymous said...

OH it is so good to see her smiling face. I am glad you had a weekend of family time. I love the pictures of her dancing with her shadow. Laurie

FourAustins said...

YAY for Happy Josie:) I can not wait to see her run around!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am happy Josie is happy agian but it is soooo cool that my lil cousin has a peanut allergy too! Happy Josie is better though

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how much they change at that one year mark? Josie does look like a big girl now!
