Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cuddles and more...

Is there anything cuter than a sleeping baby? Okay, maybe a sleeping Josie cuddling up to her little Steiff bunny. Over the last week she has become absolutely obsessed with anything stuffed in our house. It's funny. She takes things on "rides" on her alligator, hugs and kisses them, and refuses to let them go when it's necessary that she have a free hand. Case in point - lunch time. She woke up from her nap and was ready to eat, but absolutely refused to let go of either one of these toys (that would be the bear the front desk people gave her at the Beverly Wilshire on your left and Cook Monster on the right) -
After several moments of negotiating & temper tantrums, we reached the following compromise:
It's truly amazing that it feels as though she was just a cooing newborn and now she is a full-on toddler, complete with opinions and demands. (Heaven helps us when she's a teenager.)

Speaking of our little lady growing up, I keep forgetting to post her "stats" from her one year doctor's appointment:
Height -31.5 inches (Or 2 feet, 7.5 inches which sounds taller for some reason)
Weight - 22.5 pounds
The big change here is that she used to be 50% in height-for-weight, meaning that she was perfectly proportioned. But now, she is in 95th percentile for height and only in the 60th percentile for weight, so as her doctor put it she is "long and lean." It's so strange because she has lost so much of her baby fat. In the last three months, she grew over two inches but only gained about a pound. (No worries, the doctor said she is perfectly healthy and that this is just the result of her crawling, walking and burning more calories.) It's just unbelievable how much she has changed!


Anonymous said...

How adorable, and I find it hard to believe little Josie has a temper. I love the blog so much, and hearing all the updates. She is a cutie. Laurie

Charissa Talsma said...

Didn't I warn you that would happen!! It is amazing how much they change over the blink and they're not babies anymore!

FourAustins said...

Oh I bet Josie would love the jumbo gariffe I just got Baby Austin ;)